Books by Carol

DBT Therapeutic Activity Ideas for Kids and Caregivers

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is for children, ages 6 – 12, who have difficulty managing emotions and behavior. The children may experience anxiety, depression, and dysregulated emotions and behavior. They show behaviors such as physical aggression,  yelling, demanding, refusing to comply with requests, shutting down, and irritability. DBT Therapeutic Activity Ideas for Kids and Caregivers provides caregivers (families, foster families, residential facilities) and therapists activities to teach children effective strategies to cope and manage emotions, behaviors, relationships, and cognitions.

The book has approximately 70 reproducible DBT handouts and worksheets to use in online or in person, and is suitable for new or seasoned therapists. The book has teaching instructions for each skill’s handout and worksheet, suggestions for ways the therapist can use the skill in session, and discussion questions as they practice the skill. The book covers all four modules of DBT including: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

The last section of the book describes DBT parenting strategies. These pages can be used by therapists for parents, or directly by parents themselves. This section teaches acceptance strategies including validation, relational mindfulness, wise mind parenting; and change or behavior modification techniques such as shaping behavior, ways to increase or decrease behavior, and the effective use of a behavior chart.

DBT Therapeutic Activity Ideas for Working with Teens on Amazon

This fun and engaging activity book helps to teach teens to manage emotions and develop relationships by tracking their progress using Dialectical Behaviour dbt bookTherapy (DBT) techniques. DBT is specifically designed for emotionally sensitive young people, especially those with borderline personality disorder, and the activities in this book will help regulate strong emotional responses which can lead to impulsivity, unstable relationships, low self-image and reactive emotions.
The book has 100 reproducible handouts, worksheets, and example pages to use with teens; and covers all four modules of DBT. 


“Great book with hands on tools”
“Exactly what every Christian mom needs!”
“Great information. Full of good information in bite size…”
“So very helpful and encouraging.”

The Adoptive &

1.The Adoptive Foster Parent Guide: How to Heal Your Child’s Trauma and Loss
published in February 2012. This book is practical, easy reading. In the guide I discuss attachment styles, triangulation, navigating birth families, and specific ideas on helping your child heal from their past loss, trauma, and abandonment. The book discusses how I work with children and heal their trauma in session so that you may implement similar ideas in your home or alongside your child’s therapist.

This book is a great addition to your therapist’s library too. Many families live in rural locations where there are great therapists who do not having training or experience in adoptions or foster care. The Adoptive & Foster Parent Guide will provide step by step information for the therapist which will be essential to the child or teen’s healing from past hurts or loss.


2.Devotions of Comfort and Hope for Adoptive & Foster Moms published in August 2013. The devotional is written by myself and adoptive mom, Lisa Edmunds. There are 120 devotions that inform, comfort, and give hope to moms in the trenches as they walk alongside their child in their healing journey. This book is available  to read for free for those who have subscribed to Kindle Unlimited.

This book is FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers on Amazon

3. Clothed in Armor: Spiritual Warfare for Adopted & Foster Kids was published in April 2015. (See below for the matching Bible study for non-adopted siblings and peers.) The Bible study discusses spiritual battles faced by kids, and in a fun way teaches them how to fight back like a strong soldier of God!

4. Clothed in Armor: Spiritual Warfare for Kids was published in April 2015. The Bible study discusses spiritual battles faced by kids, and in a fun way teaches them how to fight back like a strong soldier of God!






